Resources to respond to deportation raids targeting Central American families

ILRC (Immigrant Legal Resource Center) Know-your-rights “Red Cards



Additional resources compiled by the Interfaith Immigration Coalition:

Here are several ways faith communities can respond:

Rapid Response to Raids Opening the Doors of our Congregations- LINK to Resource

We are calling on congregations to open their doors and allow families who may have a deportation order and who may be a target to these ICE raids. Congregations can act as temporary safe havens, spaces of refuge and shelters until there is word that the raids have passed, this could be a night, a week or several weeks. (Note: This is temporary refuge different than taking a Sanctuary Case that generally lasts until they can win their case).

Know Your Rights

If you are tied to immigrant led congregations, it is imperative to educate all immigrant communities on know your rights resources. The most important information is DON’T OPEN THE DOOR to Immigration Customs Enforcement or anyone else if they do not have a warrant signed by a judge.

Prepare to join the Sanctuary Movement – Link to Updated Toolkit
This resurgence of the Sanctuary Movement has created a platform to raise up the moral witness of people of faith, while at the same time lifting up the prophetic stories of immigrant leaders who are brave enough to speak out against the injustice of deportation.

You can sign up as a congregation supporting Sanctuary at  Scroll to bottom to see sign up form and map of supporting congregations.